Complexity Guide

  • Simple designs usually conside of only 2-3 colors and basic markings

  • Moderate designs add more color, markings, and physical traits

  • Complex designs push further by adding even more details. This can include body modifications and elaborate piercings/jewelry

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2x2 in canvas, comes colored with stylized highlighs. $25 USD


Comes on 5x5in or 4x6in canvas, colored and shaded. $50 USD


5x5in canvas, comes flat colored. $30 USD


Comes on a 4x6\6x4in canvas with either a gradient or no background at all. All prices are subject to change based on character complexity

  • Flat Color $60 USD

  • Cell-Shading $70 USD, Hard Shading and Highlights

  • Classic $90 USD, Painted|Rendered


Scenes start at $150 USD and increase depending on the complexity of the order

Scenes can be used to picture a moment in battleor a tense pause in a conversation. Comes on a custom sized canvas with a foreground, midground, and background that can be color or greyscale. The atmosphere of the image is rendered, leaving the character(s) to either be rendered to match or cell-shaded. Speech bubbles or subtitles can be added to a scene free of charge.There is always one character in each scene with a maximum of 6 additional characters. Additional characters are set at the same level as the first character described in the image and are $80 USD per.

Reference Sheet

Reference sheets start a simple layout at a starting price of $70 USD. It includes one fullbody, a headshot and a pallet with the option of having text added. Additional drawings will add to the final price.

Add OnPriceDescription
Transformations|Alternate forms$70Additional fullbdy for an alternative form (ie. werewolf, dragon)
Fullbody$60Additional Fullbody
Mount Reference$60Large animals such as horses, cattle, etc.
Companion Reference$40Small to Medium sized animal; dog, cat, bird, etc.
Weapon|Item Example$15-$30Items like jewerly or bags; weapons such as blades or guns
Headshot$20Additional Headshot
Close Up$15Paws, Wings, Tail, etc.

flash sale items | Closed


2x2 in canvas, comes flat colored. $15 USD

wiggle icons

Comes on 1x1in canvas, flat colored. $30 USD

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